A person's abilities are tested best when defending rather than attacking.
Beauty isn't something on the outside. It's your insides that count! You gotta eat green stuff to make sure you're pretty on the inside.
Deal with the consequences of your actions, 'cause life ain't no video game.
Fiery colors begin their yearly conquest of the hills, propelled by the autumn winds. Fall is the artist.
Fresh clean sheets are one of life's small joys.
Give a man a fish, and he'll eat for a day. Give a fish a man, and he'll eat for weeks!
I don't want to live in a world where I have to eat sugar-free sugar cookies.
I'm moving, but don't worry! [Someone once] told me we're all on the same planet, so I'll be okay!
I'm terribly sorry, but nature is not always family friendly.
If you stand still outside you can hear it... Winter's footsteps, the sound of falling leaves
Is the question 'Why is it bad to do bad things?' the same as asking permission?
It doesn't matter if you win or lose in the big, scary jungle of the real world. Winners and losers... Enemies and allies... We don't live in a comic book! This is the real deal.
It is hard work, but there is happiness in it.
It may stink like me, but that's what makes it so collectible!
It's takin' whatever comes your way, the good AND the bad, that give life flavor. It's all the stuff rolled together that makes life worth livin'.
Life is shaped by the people you meet every day.
Living in the ocean means never having to salt your food.
Looks are part of business. A businessman should never stand out more than his customers. His mannerisms, his clothes, everything about him... Moderation is the key.
Maybe it was only a second of your time, but you need to treasure life, every second.
Maybe it's what's inside that counts, but being told you look good feels good!
Mistakes and disappointment make the sweet things in life that much sweeter.
Some relationships start with fights... But, usually only in romantic comedies. Life's not the movies.
Sometimes being a good friend means being harsh.
That's just the way things go. We meet people, get to know them and then they get up and leave us behind.
That's the scent of dude! When you get a good stink on, you are at one with the cosmos!
The best accessory for an outfit like this is a grim-looking buddy by my side.
The less a person accomplishes in a day, the more he talks during meals.
The shortest route to getting things done is just do it.
This isn't the sort of thing you can leave to chance. You never know when you might find yourself in some sort of cake emergency.
We are like oil and water, but all my other relationships are like oil and vinegar! Delicious!
Takayuki Ikkaku, Arisa Hosaka and Toshihiro Kawabata: Animal Crossing: Wild World, 2005